About Pink Pass Foundation
Pink Pass Foundation is a not for profit organization working with tireless dedication in the field of Women Education, Health, Employment, Improvement, and Women Security.
which we believe are the areas of greatest need and deserve to be the foci of our attention. Education, Health, Child Development, Water & Sanitation, Women’s Empowerment and Gender Equality, are all of major importance in the community and the basic building block in any effort towards these goals is Education.
PINK PASS FOUNDATION’s work with the marginalized and underprivileged communities is focused on helping them achieve socio-economic independence, self-sustainability and health. PINK PASS FOUNDATION’s projects are aimed at holistic support to the community by providing Education, self employment, self defence and security and Health services to the women and Children in underprivileged areas thus mainstreaming marginalized street children, making low-literate youth employable and empowering women. We help those in need with full respect, love and commitment, with the aim not to deliver charity but to empower them to better their own lot.
Pink Pass Foundation is the only full-spectrum grassroots NGO in India providing services spanning the development Women of Education, Health and Community Development and thus able to provide a comprehensive path from poverty to prosperity and fully empower the destitute to tread it successfully. . Women's development refers to the process of enhancing the well-being, empowerment, and opportunities for women in all spheres of life, including education, health, economic participation, political representation, and social rights. This process aims to eliminate gender inequality and ensure that women can contribute to and benefit from societal progress on equal footing with men.